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About Us

Our Mission

The mission of the Market Guide Insurance is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation globally. Our Mission is to exercise effective supervision to ensure investor protection and the healthy development of the securities market

Our regulation plays a critical role in financial system-by enforcing high ethical standards, bringing the necessary resources and expertise to regulation and enhancing investor safeguards and market integrity. Every investor in relies on one thing: fair financial markets.


absolute honesty in the relations with our clients and partners, total correspondence of the expectations with the acquired results, conservative predictions. We believe that long-term relations with a client are much more important than nonrecurrent services and transactions. That is why client's confidence is in the focus of our attention and we closely monitor fulfillment of our promises.


Apart from being key for any relationship to bear fruit, when giving feedback after providing independent due diligence to ensure compliance to codes and law, honesty is essential and it is achieved through openness.


Be it clients or associates, all can see that business at Market Guide Insurance is conducted in a clear and accountable way and understand how its pieces work. We talk about the things we know and can do well, not everything else.


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Our Team Members

A crew made with Talented People

Senior Data Analyst

Anthony Mcknight is an expert in Designing and maintaining data systems and database security.

Anthony Mcknight

Head Of Operations

Deals with the effective management of developing, producing and delivering products and services.

Eric van Heck

Head Technology and Innovation

Her field of expertise is the development process of new products and services in firms.

Sabella Coleman

Accounts Administrator

responsible for reviewing & reconciling accounts, processing payments & maintaining records update.

Dean Walter


Clients Feedback

We are a company built on exceptional service – it’s the foundation of our culture and values.

We pride ourselves on providing superior services, but you don't just have to take our word for it. Read what some of our clients have to say about us below.