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Financial Services Licensing

In recent years Market Guide Insurance has assisted a number of the leading “Forex Brokers” obtain authorisation across a number of Jurisdictions both as Dealing Desk and Non Dealing Desks models.

  1. A Dealing Desk broker, also commonly referred to as a “Market Maker” or “Principal”;
  2. Principals / Dealing Desks / Market Makers make money through spreads and providing liquidity to their clients.
  3. Non Dealing Desk broker, also commonly referred to as Straight Through Processing (STP) Brokers and Electronic Communication Network (ECN) + Straight Through Processing (ECN+STP).
  4. A Non Dealing Desk broker, as the name suggests, have an STP system that route orders of their clients directly to their liquidity providers who have access to the interbank market.
  5. True ECN brokers can show depth of market and allow orders of their clients to interact with the orders of other participants in the ECN.

In addition Market Guide Insurance ’s experience extends to Portfolio Management & Investment Advice firms where the art and science of making decisions about investment mix and policy, matching investments to objectives is key.

A company wishing to provide an Asset / Portfolio / Money Manager financial services, invests on behalf of its clients and gives them access to a wide range of products that may not be available to everyone.

Money managers, increasingly common in the Forex industry give a personalized service with a fee-based management, as opposed to transaction-based management, and as such it is becoming more and more popular for investors.

Due to the vast amount of advice and management available, particularly online, investors are looking to ensure the safety of their funds and a benchmark for those providing the financial services prior investing. Regulation and licensing provides assurance to investors.

What Market Guide Insurance can do:

  1. A Broker (STP) / Principal (Market Maker);
  2. Investment Advisor / Asset Management
  3. Provide assistance with completion of the Application Pack to be submitted to the regulator
  4. Assist with the design of the Firm Structure
  5. Prepare the required Internal Operations Manual according to relevant regulations.
  6. Prepare the Business Plan and financial projections.
  7. Prepare the Procedures Manual for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.
  8. Assist in the preparation of the Personal Questionnaires for shareholders, directors and senior management.
  9. Follow-up the application during the process of assessment by the regulator.
  10. Assist in company personnel appointments (senior management & service providers).


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