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Trade Insurance

Trade insurance option, available exclusively online, for trader who wish to insure their investment against lost and non-payment of profits. Trade insurance is designed to protect your trading accounts, against losses due to a broker’s financial inability to pay or trading risks.

Trade Protect Can Set You Up For Success

Protect against the risk of not getting paid
You’ll be covered for up to 90% of your losses if your customer doesn’t pay after receiving your product or service.
Free up cash flow
When your bank knows that your receivables are insured they may have more confidence to extend your line of credit.
​Grow your trade with confidence
You’ll be able to try out new trading strategies or expand profit margins to win the deal knowing you’re backed by our trade insurance.
Easy, fast, online access:
Apply, get your quote, and pay for Trade Protect through our exclusive online service that is available around the clock.
Low one-time cost
Trade Protect involves a one-time premium that is paid upfront by credit card.
Easy claims process
You can submit a claim quickly and easily online.


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We pride ourselves on providing superior services, but you don't just have to take our word for it. Read what some of our clients have to say about us below.