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Fund Recovery

Market Guide Insurance funds recovery service specializes in assisting individuals and companies to recover fund that they have lost to scam forex brokers. We provide a highly personalized service and our expertise is in researching and tracking these lost funds. Our training and experience can help steam-line and simplify the funds recovery process to ensure our clients are paid as promptly as possible.

If you have been defrauded, contacted or otherwise became aware of a broker offering fraudulent investment services, kindly file a complain by sending an email at [email protected]. Please note that any claim for compensation against a non-licensed broker providing investment services without due authorisation can only be examined by a Court of Law. However, by submitting a complaint to Market Guide Insurance you bring the matter to our attention thus enabling us to take the necessary measures to enforce the legislation and warn the public.


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Clients Feedback

We are a company built on exceptional service – it’s the foundation of our culture and values.

We pride ourselves on providing superior services, but you don't just have to take our word for it. Read what some of our clients have to say about us below.